Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder...E un proverb care pe romaneste s-ar traduce ceva de genul: nu-i frumos ce-i frumos, e frumos ce-mi place mie, sau gusturile nu se discuta, nu? Am gasit pe net o povestioara care mi se pare mie ca ofera oarecum si o alta perspectiva...si pentru ca mi-a placut, o sa o pun si aici, pe pagina mea.
Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder
She was not beautiful.
Nothing about her was extraordinary.
Nothing about her made her stand out in a crowd.
She grew up in a family of six.
The eldest, she learnt responsibility at an early age.
As she grew stronger, and brighter,
She instilled a sort of light cheer to whomever she met.
She was not beautiful.
But she made others feel beautiful about themselves.
She meets a rebel boy who thinks he's all man.
Befriending him, she teaches him how to read,
A little boost the man needed to go to college.
They became friends fast and she fell,
Fast in love with her rugged, handsome student.
The "man" then finds himself in a dilemma
He soon found himself in love with a girl.
A girl so beautiful, she turned even the grouchiest men's head.
Her hair was a halo of light around her,
Her eyes the bluest blue of ocean.
Like an angel he tells his tutor
Like a beautiful angel.
The girl swallows a lump at her throat
She was not beautiful
She did not possess the heart of the one she loved
But she did not care.
As long as he was happy,
She would be or so she tried to.
She helped him write the most beautiful letter to his angel
All the time envisioning that it was she herself
Receiving those very letters.
And so the girl helped him choose the right words,
Buy the right gifts for his angel
His angel brought him much joy
And much pain to the girl who cried behind her smiles.
But that never stopped her from giving more
Than she will ever receive.
Then one day, all hell broke loose
The angel he loved left him for another man,
A richer, more successful man.
The boy was stunned
He was so hurt he did not speak for days
The girl went to him
He cried on her shoulder and she cried with him
He hurt and so did she.
Time went by.
And so the wounds heal.
The boy realizes something about his friend/tutor
He never realized before.
How her laughter sounded heavenly
Or how her smiles brightened up the darkest days.
Or simply how beautiful, yes beautiful she looked to him!
This plain, simple girl was beautiful to him.
And he began to fall.
Fall so in love with this beautiful girl.
On one day, he picked up all his courage to see her.
He walked to her house, nervous ad fidgeting.
Running his thoughts over and over in his head.
He was going to tell her how beautiful she was to him.
He was going to tell her how wonderfully n love he was with her.
He knocked.
No one was home.
The next day he found out,
The beautiful girl he fell in love with had brain aneurysm
That put her into a coma.
The doctors were grim and the family decided to let her go.
One final time he got to see her.
He held her hand.
He stroked her hair,
And he cried for this beautiful girl.
He cried for he will never see her smile
Or hear her speak his name
He cried.
But it was too late.
The beautiful girl was buried and the heavens broke out
In a beautiful spring shower, a cry for their loss.
She was the most beautiful girl in the world.
Look around you.
Aren't there a lot of plain faces?
Take a good look
A real good look or you might miss out
On that beautiful person.
2 comentarii:
"Beauty Is in the Eye of the Beholder"-I always thought that means something like:
"Frumuseţea depinde de ochii celui care priveşte". Acelaşi obiect mie îmi poate trezi o gamă largă de trăiri şi sentimente, pe când altul nu doar că nu tresare dar poate nici nu îl sesizează.
Probabil şi pentru că suntem setaţi să vedem "selectiv" doar ceea ce suntem pregătiţi să vedem.
De ce factori depinde această selectivitate?
Poate de tipul personalităţii moştenite, mediul familial cu tiparele parentale (spre exemplu cunosc situaţii în care băieţi crescuţi de mame autoritare sunt atraşi magnetic de fete mai "înfipte", pe care un altul nu le suportă. Nu degeaba se spune că băieţii o caută pe mama lor undeva în subconştient şi fete pe tatăl(dacă l-au avut), dacă nu, se pare că ajung la maturitate cu o vulnerabilitate periculoasă pentru sexul opus.
Chiar dacă inconştient, cred că cu toţi ne formăm o imagine a persoanei ideale.
Pentru mine, această imagine a suferit modificări odată cu maturizarea psiho-emoţională. În trecut nu concepeam să mă căsătoresc cu o fată care să nu arate f bine...acum, aspectul exterior nu mă mai preocupă atât de mult (din multe motive pe care nu am timp să le dezvolt acum).
Acum preţuiesc mult mai mult frumuseţea interioară.
Pentru mine Beauty is now -o persoană care emană nobleţe de caracter, bunătate, răbdare şi care are suficientă înţelepciune pentru a şti să ridice cu o vorbă bună pe cel doborât şi să însenineze atmosfera căminului prin spiritul ei. Regina unui astfel de cămin poate că nu va câştiga niciodată vreun miss Univers, dar cu siguranţă va câştiga un loc pentru eternitate în inima celor de lângă ea.
O astfel de frumuseţe o voi admira.
Restul “păpuşilor” mă atrag doar la prima vedere,prin prisma senzualităţii, căci sunt bărbat normal… dar ştiu că mi se va face "greaţă" doar cu "desertul", am nevoie de "mâncare mai consistentă" pentru a funţiona cum trebuie.
Se spune că, înainte de a te gândi mai departe într-o relaţie, imaginează-ţi acea persoană la 40-50 de ani, imaginează-ţi viaţa alături de el/ea în perspectivă şi nu la momentele idilice ale momentului de faţă în care predomină, aşa cum ai amintit undeva, o biochimie a simţurilor de moment.
Prin urmare, vei percepe frumuseţea în funcţie de ochii (minţii), MINTE pe care o hrănim cu Apă de Izvor sau cu apele tulburi ale zilelor noastre.
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