duminică, 6 decembrie 2009

Leonard Cohen - Here It Is

Pana la partea a doua a plimbarii prin cimitir, iata una dintre melodiile pe care le ascult pe repeat de cateva zile:

Here is your crown
And your seal and rings;
And here is your love
For all things.

Here is your cart,
And your cardboard and piss;
And here is your love
For all of this.

May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And my love, Goodbye.

Here is your wine,
And your drunken fall;
And here is your love.
Your love for it all.

Here is your sickness.
Your bed and your pan;
And here is your love
For the woman, the man.

May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And, my love, Goodbye.

And here is the night,
The night has begun;
And here is your death
In the heart of your son.

And here is the dawn,
(Until death do us part);
And here is your death,
In your daughter's heart.

May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And, my love, Goodbye.

And here you are hurried,
And here you are gone;
And here is the love,
That it's all built upon.

Here is your cross,
Your nails and your hill;
And here is your love,
That lists where it will

May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And my love, Goodbye.

2 comentarii:

Adia spunea...

superba melodie, voce si versuri.
il ador pe leonard cohen. asa de mult incat daca o sa ma marit vreodata, primul dans o sa fie pe "dance me to the end of love" al lui :)

Onutzza spunea...

Asa e, Adia. E si "Dance Me To The End of Love" pe aici pe undeva prin blog. Omul nu doar canta bine ci si, dupa cum afirma criticii, scrie bine. Marturisesc faptul ca nu am citit nimic de Leonard Cohen, dar dupa ce termin cartile de pe lista de acum, o sa caut sa imi cumpar si ceva scris de el.
Mersi pentru comentariu si te mai astept si cu altele!